CSET '09: Submit Your Paper Today!

The 2nd Workshop on Cyber Security Experimentation and Test (CSET ‘09) aims to bring together researchers and testbed developers to share their experiences and define a forward-looking agenda for the development of scientific, realistic evaluation approaches for security threats and defenses.

Interested in participating in CSET ’09? Check out the Call for Participation.

EVT/WOTE '09 Call For Papers Now Available

The 2009 Electronic Voting Technology Workshop/Workshop on Trustworthy
Elections (EVT/WOTE '09) will bring together researchers from a variety
of disciplines, ranging from computer science and human-computer
interaction experts through political scientists, legal experts,
election administrators, and voting equipment vendors.

NSDI '09 Poster/Demo Submission Deadline: March 1, 2009

The 6th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI '09) will be continuing its long-running tradition of showcasing early research in progress at a poster session. NEW! The session will include demos. New, ongoing work, early findings from measurement studies, and demonstrations of newly deployed systems are highly encouraged. We are particularly interested in presentations of student work.

USENIX HotPar '09 Registration Now Open

Registration for the First USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Parallelism (HotPar '09) is now open to everyone.

HotPar '09 will bring together researchers and practitioners doing innovative work in the area of parallel computing. HotPar recognizes the broad impact of multicore computing and seeks relevant contributions from all fields, including application design, languages and compilers, systems, and architecture.

FAST '09 Early Bird Registration Deadline: Monday, Feb. 9

The early bird registration deadline for the 7th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST '09) is February 9, 2009.

Register now to save!

FAST tutorials take place on on February 24. Take advantage of the special FAST offer: Buy one half-day tutorial and get the second one for free!

USENIX NSDI '09 Call For Poster Submissions

The 6th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI '09) will be continuing its long-running tradition of showcasing early research in progress at a poster session. New, ongoing work, early findings from measurement studies, and demonstrations of newly deployed systems are highly encouraged. We are particularly interested in presentations of student work.

To submit a poster, please send a proposal, one page or less, by March 1, 2009, to

FAST '09 Poster and WiP Submissions Deadline: Thursday, January 29, 2009

The FAST '09 poster and Work-in-Progress report submissions deadline is tomorrow, Thursday, January 29.

Held in conjunction with a happy hour, the poster session will allow researchers to present recent and ongoing projects. The poster session is an excellent forum to discuss new ideas and get useful feedback from the community.

USENIX TaPP '09 Registration Now Open

Join us February 23, 2009, San Francisco, CA, for the 1st Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance (TaPP '09).

The TaPP workshop continues an informal series of workshops on Principles of Provenance organized in 2007–2008, which helped raise the profile of this area within diverse research communities, such as databases, security, and programming languages.

OpenSolaris Storage Summit Co-located with FAST '09

The OpenSolaris Storage Summit will be held on Monday, February 23, 2009, at the Grand Hyatt San Francisco, right before FAST '09. Attendance is free. All storage community members are invited!

Note that as an attendee of the OpenSolaris Storage Summit there is a $100 discount for registering for FAST. The discount code will be sent to the Summit alias.

USENIX and SAGE will be exhibiting at the Southern California Linux Expo (SCALE 7x)

The expo will take place February 20-22, 2009, at the Westin Los Angeles Airport.

SCALE is an annual open-source technical, business, and users conference. SCALE 7X will feature tutorial sessions designed to show users of all skill levels what open source can do and how to do it, as well as over 60 expo booths; BoFs; and special Friday sessions on health care, education, and women in open source.

Find out more here.

Attending SCALE? Use USENIX for 40% off registration, and please stop by booth #66 to say hello!


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