Symposium Overview
The USENIX Security Symposium brings together researchers, practitioners, system administrators, system programmers, and others interested in the latest advances in the security and privacy of computer systems and networks. The 27th USENIX Security Symposium will be held August 15–17, 2018, in Baltimore, MD, USA.
All researchers are encouraged to submit papers covering novel and scientifically significant practical works in computer security. Submissions are due on Thursday, February 8, 2018, 5:00 p.m. PST. The Symposium will span three days, with a technical program including refereed papers, invited talks, posters, panel discussions, and Birds-of-a-Feather sessions. Co-located workshops will precede the Symposium on August 13 and 14.
Important Dates
- Paper submissions due: Thursday, February 8, 2018, 5:00 p.m. PST
- Invited talk and panel proposals due: Thursday, February 8, 2018, 5:00 p.m. PST
- Early reject notification: Tuesday, March 20, 2018
- Author responses: March 20–22, 2018
- Notification to authors: Friday, May 4, 2018
- Final papers due: Thursday, June 28, 2018, 9:00 p.m. PDT
- Poster proposals due: Thursday, July 5, 2018, 9:00 p.m. PDT
- Notification to poster presenters: Thursday, July 12, 2018
- Lightning Talks submissions due: Wednesday, August 15, 2018, 12:00 pm EDT
Conference Organizers
Program Co-Chairs
Program Committee
Invited Talks Committee
Lightning Talks Chair
Poster Session Chair
Test of Time Awards Committee
Steering Committee
Symposium Topics
Refereed paper submissions are solicited in all areas relating to systems research in security and privacy, including but not limited to:
- System security
- Operating systems security
- Web security
- Mobile systems security
- Distributed systems security
- Cloud computing security
- Network security
- Intrusion and anomaly detection and prevention
- Network infrastructure security
- Denial-of-service attacks and countermeasures
- Wireless security
- Security analysis
- Malware analysis
- Analysis of network and security protocols
- Attacks with novel insights, techniques, or results
- Forensics and diagnostics for security
- Automated security analysis of hardware designs and implementation
- Automated security analysis of source code and binaries
- Program analysis
- Data-driven security and measurement studies
- Measurements of fraud, malware, spam
- Measurements of human behavior and security
- Privacy-enhancing technologies and anonymity
- Usable security and privacy
- Language-based security
- Hardware security
- Secure computer architectures
- Embedded systems security
- Methods for detection of malicious or counterfeit hardware
- Side channels
- Research on surveillance and censorship
- Social issues and security
- Research on computer security law and policy
- Ethics of computer security research
- Research on security education and training
- Applications of cryptography
- Analysis of deployed cryptography and cryptographic protocols
- Cryptographic implementation analysis
- New cryptographic protocols with real-world applications
This topic list is not meant to be exhaustive; USENIX Security is interested in all aspects of computing systems security and privacy. Papers without a clear application to security or privacy, however, will be considered out of scope and may be rejected without full review.
Refereed Papers
Papers that have been formally reviewed and accepted will be presented during the Symposium and published in the Symposium Proceedings. It is required that one of the paper authors attend the conference and present the work. It is the responsibility of the authors to find a suitable replacement presenter for their work, if the need arises.
A registration discount will be available for one author per paper. If the registration fee poses a hardship to the presenter, USENIX will offer complimentary registration.
A major mission of the USENIX Association is to provide for the creation and dissemination of new knowledge. In keeping with this and as part of USENIX’s open access policy, the Proceedings will be available online for registered attendees before the Symposium and for everyone starting on the opening day of the technical sessions. USENIX also allows authors to retain ownership of the copyright in their works, requesting only that USENIX be granted the right to be the first publisher of that work. See our sample consent form for the complete terms of publication.
Go to Paper Submission Policies and Instructions, including information about the Internet Defense Prize.
Symposium Activities
Invited Talks, Panels, Poster Session, Doctoral Colloquium, and BoFs
In addition to the refereed papers and the keynote presentation, the technical program will include invited talks, panel discussions, a poster session, and Birds-of-a-Feather sessions (BoFs). You are invited to make suggestions regarding topics or speakers in any of these sessions via email to the contacts listed below or to the program co-chairs at
Invited Talks and Panel Discussions
Invited talks and panel discussions will be held in parallel with the refereed paper sessions. Please submit topic suggestions and talk and panel proposals via email to by Thursday, February 8, 2018, 5:00 p.m. PST.
Poster Session
Would you like to share a provocative opinion, an interesting preliminary work, or a cool idea that will spark discussion at this year’s USENIX Security Symposium? The poster session is the perfect venue to introduce such new or ongoing work. Poster presenters will have the entirety of the evening reception to discuss their work, get exposure, and receive feedback from attendees.
To submit a poster, please submit a draft of your poster, in PDF (maximum size 36" by 48"), or a one-page abstract via the poster session submission form by Thursday, July 5, 2018, 9:00 p.m. PDT. Decisions will be made by Thursday, July 12, 2018. Posters will not be included in the proceedings but may be made available online if circumstances permit. Poster submissions must include the authors’ names, affiliations, and contact information. At least one author of each accepted poster must register for and attend the Symposium to present the poster.
Lightning Talks
We will host a Lightning Talks session (also previously known as Work-in-Progress/Rump session) on the evening of Wednesday, August 15, 2018. This is intended as an informal session for short and engaging presentations on recent unpublished results, work in progress, or other topics of interest to USENIX Security attendees. As in the past, talks do not always need to be serious and funny talks are encouraged! This year, USENIX will generously sponsor awards for the most engaging talks. Bragging rights and small cash prizes can be yours for a great talk! For full consideration, submit your lightning talk via the lighting talk submission form through July 27, 2018. Only talks submitted by this deadline will be considered for the awards. You can continue submitting talks via the submission form or by emailing until Wednesday, August 15, 2018, 12:00 pm EDT.
Doctoral Colloquium
What opportunities await security students graduating with a PhD? On Thursday evening, students will have the opportunity to listen to informal panels of faculty and industrial researchers providing personal perspectives on their post-PhD career search. Learn about the academic job search, the industrial research job search, research fund raising, dual-career challenges, life uncertainty, and other idiosyncrasies of the ivory tower. If you would like to speak in the Doctoral Colloquium, please email
Birds-of-a-Feather Sessions (BoFs)
Birds-of-a-Feather sessions (BoFs) will be held Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings. Birds-of-a-Feather sessions are informal gatherings of persons interested in a particular topic. BoFs often feature a presentation or a demonstration followed by discussion, announcements, and the sharing of strategies. BoFs can be scheduled on site or in advance. To schedule a BoF, please send email to the USENIX Conference Department at with the title and a brief description of the BoF; the name, title, affiliation, and email address of the facilitator; and your preference of date and time.