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    USENIX Security '24Does Online Anonymous Market Vendor Reputation Matter?
    USENIX Security '24SWOOSH: Efficient Lattice-Based Non-Interactive Key Exchange
    USENIX Security '24Machine Learning needs Better Randomness Standards: Randomised Smoothing and PRNG-based attacks
    USENIX Security '24Tossing in the Dark: Practical Bit-Flipping on Gray-box Deep Neural Networks for Runtime Trojan Injection
    USENIX Security '24Batch PIR and Labeled PSI with Oblivious Ciphertext Compression
    USENIX Security '24Pixel Thief: Exploiting SVG Filter Leakage in Firefox and Chrome
    USENIX Security '24ATTention Please! An Investigation of the App Tracking Transparency Permission
    USENIX Security '24Unpacking Privacy Labels: A Measurement and Developer Perspective on Google's Data Safety Section
    USENIX Security '24Accelerating Secure Collaborative Machine Learning with Protocol-Aware RDMA
    USENIX Security '24ABACuS: All-Bank Activation Counters for Scalable and Low Overhead RowHammer Mitigation
    USENIX Security '24On Data Fabrication in Collaborative Vehicular Perception: Attacks and Countermeasures
    USENIX Security '24Understanding the Security and Privacy Implications of Online Toxic Content on Refugees
    USENIX Security '24Automated Large-Scale Analysis of Cookie Notice Compliance
    USENIX Security '24You Cannot Escape Me: Detecting Evasions of SIEM Rules in Enterprise Networks
    USENIX Security '24Can Virtual Reality Protect Users from Keystroke Inference Attacks?
    USENIX Security '24Neural Network Semantic Backdoor Detection and Mitigation: A Causality-Based Approach
    USENIX Security '24Finding Traceability Attacks in the Bluetooth Low Energy Specification and Its Implementations
    USENIX Security '24Devil in the Room: Triggering Audio Backdoors in the Physical World
    USENIX Security '24Atropos: Effective Fuzzing of Web Applications for Server-Side Vulnerabilities
    USENIX Security '24FraudWhistler: A Resilient, Robust and Plug-and-play Adversarial Example Detection Method for Speaker Recognition
    USENIX Security '24Dancer in the Dark: Synthesizing and Evaluating Polyglots for Blind Cross-Site Scripting
    USENIX Security '24ResolverFuzz: Automated Discovery of DNS Resolver Vulnerabilities with Query-Response Fuzzing
    USENIX Security '24Ahoy SAILR! There is No Need to DREAM of C: A Compiler-Aware Structuring Algorithm for Binary Decompilation
    USENIX Security '24Racing on the Negative Force: Efficient Vulnerability Root-Cause Analysis through Reinforcement Learning on Counterexamples
    USENIX Security '24WEBRR: A Forensic System for Replaying and Investigating Web-Based Attacks in The Modern Web
