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Technical Sessions
The full Proceedings published by USENIX for the conference are available for download below. Individual papers can also be downloaded from the presentation page. Copyright to the individual works is retained by the author[s].
Proceedings Front Matter
Cover Page | Title Page and List of Organizers | Table of Contents | Message from the Program Co-Chairs
Full Proceedings PDFs
NSDI '15 Full Proceedings (PDF)
NSDI '15 Proceedings Interior (PDF, best for mobile devices)
NSDI '15 Errata Slip (PDF)
NSDI '15 Errata Slip (Revised 5/11/15) (PDF)
Full Proceedings ePub (for iPad and most eReaders)
NSDI '15 Full Proceedings (ePub)
Full Proceedings Mobi (for Kindle)
NSDI '15 Full Proceedings (Mobi)
Downloads for Registered Conference Attendees
(Registered attendees: Sign in to your USENIX account to download these files.)
NSDI '15 Attendee List
All sessions will take place in the Grand Ballroom unless otherwise noted.
Monday, May 4, 2015
8:00 am–8:30 am | Monday |
Continental BreakfastAtrium Foyer |
8:30 am–8:40 am | Monday |
8:40 am–10:20 am | Monday |
10:20 am–10:50 am | Monday |
Break with RefreshmentsAtrium Foyer |
10:50 am–12:30 pm | Monday |
12:30 pm–2:00 pm | Monday |
Symposium LuncheonExhibit Hall East |
2:00 pm–3:15 pm | Monday |
3:15 pm–3:45 pm | Monday |
Break with RefreshmentsAtrium Foyer |
3:45 pm–5:50 pm | Monday |
All sessions will take place in the Grand Ballroom unless otherwise noted.
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
8:00 am–8:30 am | Tuesday |
Continental BreakfastAtrium Foyer |
8:30 am–10:10 am | Tuesday |
10:10 am–10:40 am | Tuesday |
Break with RefreshmentsAtrium Foyer |
10:40 am–12:20 pm | Tuesday |
12:20 pm–12:30 pm | Tuesday |
12:30 pm–2:00 pm | Tuesday |
Lunch, on your own |
2:00 pm–3:15 pm | Tuesday |
3:15 pm–3:45 pm | Tuesday |
Break with RefreshmentsAtrium Foyer |
3:45 pm–5:50 pm | Tuesday |
6:30 pm–8:00 pm | Tuesday |
All sessions will take place in the Grand Ballroom unless otherwise noted.
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
8:00 am–8:30 am | Wednesday |
Continental BreakfastAtrium Foyer |
8:30 am–9:45 am | Wednesday |
9:45 am–10:00 am | Wednesday |
Break with RefreshmentsAtrium Foyer |
10:00 am–11:15 am | Wednesday |
11:15 am–11:30 am | Wednesday |
Break with RefreshmentsAtrium Foyer |
11:30 am–1:10 pm | Wednesday |
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