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    USENIX Security '23“Employees Who Don’t Accept the Time Security Takes Are Not Aware Enough”: The CISO View of Human-Centred SecurityJonas Hielscher, Uta Menges, Simon Parkin, Annette Kluge, M. Angela Sasse
    USENIX Security '23​​How Library IT Staff Navigate Privacy and Security Challenges and ResponsibilitiesAlan F. Luo, Noel Warford, Samuel Dooley, Rachel Greenstadt, Michelle L. Mazurek, Nora McDonald
    USENIX Security '23Silent Bugs Matter: A Study of Compiler-Introduced Security BugsJianhao Xu, Kangjie Lu, Zhengjie Du, Zhu Ding, Linke Li, Qiushi Wu, Mathias Payer, Bing Mao
    USENIX Security '23IvySyn: Automated Vulnerability Discovery in Deep Learning FrameworksNeophytos Christou, Di Jin, Vaggelis Atlidakis, Baishakhi Ray, Vasileios P. Kemerlis
    USENIX Security '23Bleem: Packet Sequence Oriented Fuzzing for Protocol ImplementationsZhengxiong Luo, Junze Yu, Feilong Zuo, Jianzhong Liu, Yu Jiang, Ting Chen, Abhik Roychoudhury, Jiaguang Sun
    USENIX Security '23Araña: Discovering and Characterizing Password Guessing Attacks in PracticeMazharul Islam, Marina Sanusi Bohuk, Paul Chung, Thomas Ristenpart, Rahul Chatterjee
    USENIX Security '23AIRS: Explanation for Deep Reinforcement Learning based Security ApplicationsJiahao Yu, Wenbo Guo, Qi Qin, Gang Wang, Ting Wang, Xinyu Xing
    USENIX Security '23Minimalist: Semi-automated Debloating of PHP Web Applications through Static AnalysisRasoul Jahanshahi, Babak Amin Azad, Nick Nikiforakis, Manuel Egele
    USENIX Security '23Machine-checking Multi-Round Proofs of Shuffle: Terelius-Wikstrom and Bayer-GrothThomas Haines, Rajeev Gore, Mukesh Tiwari
    USENIX Security '23FreeEagle: Detecting Complex Neural Trojans in Data-Free CasesChong Fu, Xuhong Zhang, Shouling Ji, Ting Wang, Peng Lin, Yanghe Feng, Jianwei Yin
    USENIX Security '23Formal Analysis and Patching of BLE-SC PairingMin Shi, Jing Chen, Kun He, Haoran Zhao, Meng Jia, Ruiying Du
    USENIX Security '23CAPatch: Physical Adversarial Patch against Image Captioning SystemsShibo Zhang, Yushi Cheng, Wenjun Zhu, Xiaoyu Ji, Wenyuan Xu
    USENIX Security '23MINER: A Hybrid Data-Driven Approach for REST API FuzzingChenyang Lyu, Jiacheng Xu, Shouling Ji, Xuhong Zhang, Qinying Wang, Binbin Zhao, Gaoning Pan, Wei Cao, Peng Chen, Raheem Beyah
    USENIX Security '23FABRID: Flexible Attestation-Based Routing for Inter-Domain NetworksCyrill Krähenbühl, Marc Wyss, David Basin, Vincent Lenders, Adrian Perrig, Martin Strohmeier
    USENIX Security '23Educators’ Perspectives of Using (or Not Using) Online Exam ProctoringDavid G. Balash, Elena Korkes, Miles Grant, Adam J. Aviv, Rahel A. Fainchtein, Micah Sherr
    USENIX Security '23Going through the motions: AR/VR keylogging from user head motionsCarter Slocum, Yicheng Zhang, Nael Abu-Ghazaleh, Jiasi Chen
    USENIX Security '23No more Reviewer #2: Subverting Automatic Paper-Reviewer Assignment using Adversarial LearningThorsten Eisenhofer, Erwin Quiring, Jonas Möller, Doreen Riepel, Thorsten Holz, Konrad Rieck
    USENIX Security '23Password Guessing Using Random ForestDing Wang, Yunkai Zou, Zijian Zhang, Kedong Xiu
    USENIX Security '23Detecting and Handling IoT Interaction Threats in Multi-Platform Multi-Control-Channel Smart HomesHaotian Chi, Qiang Zeng, Xiaojiang Du
    USENIX Security '23TRIDENT: Towards Detecting and Mitigating Web-based Social Engineering AttacksZheng Yang, Joey Allen, Matthew Landen, Roberto Perdisci, Wenke Lee
    USENIX Security '23DDRace: Finding Concurrency UAF Vulnerabilities in Linux Drivers with Directed Fuzzing
    USENIX Security '23Secure Floating-Point TrainingDeevashwer Rathee, Anwesh Bhattacharya, Divya Gupta, Rahul Sharma, Dawn Song
    USENIX Security '23The OK Is Not Enough: A Large Scale Study of Consent Dialogs in Smartphone ApplicationsSimon Koch, Benjamin Altpeter, Martin Johns
    USENIX Security '23Timeless Timing Attacks and Preload Defenses in Tor's DNS CacheRasmus Dahlberg, Tobias Pulls
    USENIX Security '23CacheQL: Quantifying and Localizing Cache Side-Channel Vulnerabilities in Production SoftwareYuanyuan Yuan, Zhibo Liu, Shuai Wang
