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    USENIX Security '24Unleashing the Power of Type-Based Call Graph Construction by Using Regional Pointer Information
    USENIX Security '24The Effect of Design Patterns on (Present and Future) Cookie Consent Decisions
    USENIX Security '24RECORD: A RECeption-Only Region Determination Attack on LEO Satellite Users
    USENIX Security '24A Taxonomy of C Decompiler Fidelity Issues
    USENIX Security '24CAMP: Compiler and Allocator-based Heap Memory Protection
    USENIX Security '24"Belt and suspenders" or "just red tape"?: Investigating Early Artifacts and User Perceptions of IoT App Security Certification
    USENIX Security '24Go Go Gadget Hammer: Flipping Nested Pointers for Arbitrary Data Leakage
    USENIX Security '24FFXE: Dynamic Control Flow Graph Recovery for Embedded Firmware Binaries
    USENIX Security '24Your Firmware Has Arrived: A Study of Firmware Update Vulnerabilities
    USENIX Security '24Opportunistic Data Flow Integrity for Real-time Cyber-physical Systems Using Worst Case Execution Time Reservation
    USENIX Security '24MAGIC: Detecting Advanced Persistent Threats via Masked Graph Representation Learning
    USENIX Security '24Security and Privacy Analysis of Samsung's Crowd-Sourced Bluetooth Location Tracking System
    USENIX Security '24SmartCookie: Blocking Large-Scale SYN Floods with a Split-Proxy Defense on Programmable Data Planes
    USENIX Security '24When the User Is Inside the User Interface: An Empirical Study of UI Security Properties in Augmented Reality
    USENIX Security '24ACAI: Protecting Accelerator Execution with Arm Confidential Computing Architecture
    USENIX Security '24How WEIRD is Usable Privacy and Security Research?
    USENIX Security '24"I Don't Know If We're Doing Good. I Don't Know If We're Doing Bad": Investigating How Practitioners Scope, Motivate, and Conduct Privacy Work When Developing AI Products
